Some time fate takes over design, and Mr Kerry
found just that with a sleep of the tong. When asked by a reporter at a press
briefing, what may save Syria from an
imminent USA attack; he thoughtlessly said something that was not the plan of the
scriptwriter to war. Mr Kerry may be regretting for saying Assads surrender of
chemical stocks to international authority will save him from an attack, but
his words was immediately taken by Russia , who floated
the idea to Syria and they gladly accepted the offer. Iran and china also
supported the idea, so for now, a sigh of relief for the ordinary Syrians, but
how long that will stay remains to be seen. Today, the French have circulated a
draft statement for a tough resolution at the UN requiring Syria to disclose and
hand over all stockpiles or face serious consequence. The wording is carefully
drafted to give the warmongers possible excuse to attack Syria , as disclosure
of stockpiles is subjective: The USA can say that Syria is hiding some
of its chemical weapon even if they did not hide anything. We have the perfect
example from Iraq , when Saddam was accused of hiding his stockpiles of chemicals, but in
reality there was none to be found, and he still got bombed.
Today, as suspected, the Russian did not agree to
the draft resolution, and as of now, division remains at the Security Council. The
main sticking point was that France
wanted to invoke Chapter Seven of the UN Charter, making any resolution legally
binding and enforceable by military action. Russia ,
the main backer of Syria 's
President Bashar al-Assad, opposed the French-drafted resolution and had been
expected to propose a weaker Security Council statement, which are largely symbolic
statements on the chemical arms crisis. The serious consequences are not
acceptable to Russia ,
as this will be abused to legally attack Syria
without the need for UN authorization. The world has changed since Iraq
and Libya . The
west ploy and tricks of wording are well known by the Russian, and they will
not fall in to this trap again. In any case, it is absurd that Assad’s forces would
have used the Chemicals weapon as reported, because it knows that USA
is constantly at their back for an excuse to topple his regime. It is now
becoming clear from various reports that some of the pictures and videos posted
on the net were fake. Russia
says the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC )
has confirmed that the videos and photos purporting to show the victims of a
chemical attack near the Syrian capital, Damascus ,
were fabricated. The US
administration has been using the footage and the photos in question to lobby
for a military strike on Syria .
In reality, let’s not forget that one of the war’s objectives, which were
stated openly by both Obama and John Kerry, was to send a message to Iran
- What was that supposed to mean? After finishing with Syria
then they are going to turn their attention to change regime or destroying Iran
or occupying Iran .
The same thing happened
to the Iraqi when they involved them in a war against the revolution of Iran , who managed to kick out these imperialist
puppets. And they suffered for eight years, both countries, from a designed war
to weaken both of them.Then they (US) occupied Iraq of course after the war in 1991 and then again in
2003. Millions of Iraqis died there. What is happening now from a political
strategic point of view is the desperation of the US imperialists to control the area - militarily now.
They cannot compete economically with the Chinese or with the BRICS or even
with the EU. Now they want to sustain their presence worldwide with military
force. How can the United States even start to mention that chemical weapons usage
is their red line when they have been and they have probably used illegal
weapons more than any other regime in the world?
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