Home Minister Mohiuddin Khan Alomgir said today that Jamat
protest against court verdict is tantamount to contempt of court. He made this
comment after a coast guard ceremony where American Ambassador Dan Mozina was
present. He has a history of making political comment in front of American Ambassador,
and it always seems to be regarding Jamat Shibir. Perhaps he is trying to
impress their foreign backers, so that they tap his back or send him
commendation for being unflinching in suppressing any opposition dissenters to
their rule.
As for Dan Mozina, he probably cares very little who rules Bangladesh ,
as long as their interests are protected. USA
is waiting for the TICFA frame work agreement to be signed by Bangladesh
soon. The pros and cons of this agreement have been discussed at length in a
separate article back few months ago. In any case, does the Home Ministers
comment carry any weight as regards to Bangladesh
judiciary as it is today? Almost every man with understanding of present
government policy would agree that Bangladesh
judiciary by name is independent, other wise, in reality; it is an Awami
judiciary completely subservient to government dictates. We have seen how
Justice Samsuddin Chowdhury Manik, one of the judges in Kader Mollah’s verdict
was promoted to the appellate division, in spite of the former speaker accusing
him for contempt of parliament, and other inappropriate ruling, so that the
government would have a majority, especially for war crimes appeal tribunal.
The Prime
Minister at that Darbar promised to raise army retirement age, and other
benefits. She made a scathing attack on Jamat Shibr and Hifazot, terming them
as anti Islamic; those who burn the Quran and the Mosque, referring to Hifajot
siege of Dhaka on 5th of May this year.
In a nut shell, she had lied about everything to do with Islam, Protecting
Islamic values, good governance, corruption and progress of the country. Her
address was more to do with pacifying Army dissent and to give General Karim
Bhuya, the chief of the Army, incentives to remain loyal with her, in case of
unforeseen event taking place after 25th October, as threatened by
the opposition to go on tough street agitation to realizing their demand for a
non partisan election time government. It is yet to be seen how the Army Chief
would react if chaos breaks out. I very much doubt the Army chief’s sincerity
and neutrality to protect democracy and citizen of Bangladesh from Awami brutality, though others
may differ with me. But certainly Bangladesh judiciary has lost all credibility
to be worthy of respect.
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