The House of Saud conspirators are creating havoc in Iraq .
Every day we here suicide bombs have killed many, as if human life means
nothing. Iraq
should have attained peace within it self after the American withdrawal. Saddam
was a brutal dictator, but now they have an elected government, a functional
parliament, and a semi autonomous north. So why hasn’t the killing stopped? The
question is simple: The Saudis can not tolerate democracy next to their border.
They are afraid that their own brethren might see the fruits of freedom in Iraq
and ask for theirs too. So they conspire, pump in huge sums of money, look for
any dissatisfied section, and allure them, encourage them to fight for their
rights by terrorism and killings. In this way an unstable Iraq
would not pose any danger to the kingdom, as their subject would see freedom
only brings bombs and bullet, so it is better to be ruled by kings and prince.
If any one has any doubt about the Saud, they should look no
further but refer to a cable sent by Christopher Hill, former ambassador to
Iraq, to US department of state in September 2009, in which it was mentioned, “Saudi
Arabia constitutes the biggest challenge and the problem is more complex in
relation to the Iraqi politicians who are trying to form a stable and
independent government.”
The Saudi dictators are also trying to unseat the Tunisian
Islamic government following the ouster of former Egyptian president Mohammad
Mursi. Ben Ali, the former Tunisian dictator is advising the Saudi spy chief
Bandar Bin Sultan to topple the Tunisian Government. The dessert kingdom has a
history of interfering with other states that they see as a threat. Not only
any threat posed on them is paramount, but often they would act for the USA
or the Israelis to subdue a nation. The Saudis had a hand in Egypt
in collusion with CIA and Mossad. Their spy
chief has a history and a wealth of experience in dealing with covert and overt
operation. Bandar had learned the trade from Afghanistan
when he helped to funnel money and arms to the Mujahidin to fight the Russians.
He is also most trusted by the USA ,
as he had a longest serving diplomatic post in Washington .
He is a favourite to the Brits too, because he had helped to secure the arms
deal of 40 billion with British company soon after the gulf war. He received a
billion pound in commission for that deal.
The House of Saud has become a menace for peace and
stability in the Middle Eastern region. They are the financial bankers of the USA
military adventures. They have an endless amount of oil money which they
lavishly spend on scheme to bring misery to others. This, they do for keeping
intact their throne and palaces that they fear losing.
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