Thursday, 12 September 2013

Russia’s President Putins scathing attack on America’s political administration

A piece of article in Aljajeera caught my eye today, Russian president Vladimir Putin appealed directly to the American public and law makers that an American military strike would unleash a wave of terrorism all over the region. Russia is no longer the evil empire that during the cold war America used to portray to the world, that somehow USA is the saviour of humanity, democracy, and freedom of expression. The Russian would dare give lecture on morality, and democracy, but all has changed now; the Russian president wrote a plainly realistic observation of present USA, he wrote,

 “Millions around the world increasingly see America not as a model of democracy, but as relying solely on brute force, cobbling coalitions together under the slogan 'you're either with us or against us.'"
What a scathing attack on new world order proponent. Since the end of cold war, America followed a dream in pursuing its goal, however, ironically, lost everything that it had won. America is no longer respected by the world community; it is more of a tyrannical state in the eyes of many than a model for democracy.

President Obama, in his address to the American people had said that in view of the present development, a diplomatic breakthrough may be a possibility to avoid a war, provided Syria agrees to dismantle all its chemical weapons. Therefore, he has asked the congress to delay a vote on Syria while he pursues a diplomatic path. Well, president Obama may be sincere, but I doubt the real power behind would allow any stability in the middle east as long as Zionist and American corporate interest are threatened.

America could have been a model for democracy and stability in the world had its leaders not followed the dictation of big corporation, and Zionist lobby. These two entities care little about morality, justice, or democracy. Their only concern is power, money, and land. Indeed, the root cause of Palestinian Israeli conflict dragging so long is the insincerity of the American administration to bring the conflict to an end, and the Zionist greed for grabbing more of the Palestinian land. The continuation of Middle Eastern different wars has a lot to do with preserving the interest of American multi national company and keeping the petro dollar currency intact.


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