The opposition are now much clear after the Prime Ministers speech in the parliament. She is adamant to run the next election under her premiership. In this scenario, the opposition option for an all party election time government has faded away. Unless a dramatic turn of heart takes place, which is unlikely, the current system of government will continue until election. 18 party alliance has the option to concede a defeat to their demand for a caretaker government and join as it is, which will be political suicide, as Awamileague has no intention of giving opposition alliance a win, as they perceive a
If we assume that the opposition will not participate in this current set up, which is in all fairness an Awamileague alliance interim government renamed as all party government, the opposition will have to go for strong agitation on the street to home in their demands. The effectiveness of this agitation mostly depends on how good they could organize an inclusive mass agitation involving various parties, civic society and the people at large in a unified movement for a common goal to establish a caretaker government. In this regard Madam Zia must take the responsibility to unite all other smaller parties for the sake of the country in a common platform. I can understand some reservation by the smaller party’s not to participate where Jamati Islam is in the team, but it is the responsibility of Begum Zia to convince them that the common issue is not about forming a government with Jamat, but the issue is about caretaker government which is a demand by 90 percent of the population. Although, the smaller party has very little men power, but they are well known figure head of
The third step for a successful crippling of the government is to involve man power from all the anti government Islamic parties including Hifazote Islam to be more vocal and have more presence in the streets. Bangladesh Islamic party’s in my estimations are not extremists, but moderate law abiding political parties and groups which are only grieved because of the government wrong actions and which affects their belief, such as removal of some provision from the constitution, persecution of Islamic figures, and allowing defamation of the Prophet Muhammad. So, any analysis that
The fourth step for the opposition to take is to bear more pressure on the government by lobbying international community on the unfairness of the one-sided election, and the consequences it will have in alienating the population, and breading extremism. Because unfairness and lawlessness by the state only increases the chance of youths moving away from main stream parties to joining extremist’s organization. Also the fact that instability may spill to neighbouring countries and will impact on global trade which
The final scenario is not desired, but it may be desired in the interest of the country, so the opposition also needs to open channel with the Army in case the government goes beyond to suppress the agitation and the Army feels the need to intervene, in that case, the Army has to play a neutral part for a limited period until institutions are set for a free fair election. Under no circumstances, the Army should do anything that previous General Moyeen U Ahmed did to the democratic process of the country. It must not play the role of putting someone in to power by helping to rig the election, as the previous Army lead government did to put Awamileague in to power with an unbelievable majority. Army’s role should be to ensure a free, fair, election, under a neutral government, helping the administration to maintain law and order.
The opposition, if comes to power, must think of the security of the country in ensuring that no future government is able to endanger our countries freedom and security by patronizing a particular countries intelligence service in our political affairs. We have seen how
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