Saturday, 14 September 2013

Syrian deal is a blow to Zionist plan to entice USA to attack Iran

In reality, the plan by the Zionist regime was the eventual American military attack on Iran. Syria was the door by which the access to their final enemy Iran would be reached. But why Iran? To my knowledge, anywhere near distant past, Iran had never invaded another country other than Room during the 6th century, and Basra in 1798, and that was by an Iranian Shah. Present day Iran is run by clergy and people of faith. Their attitudes towards world are different than those of Shah, kings and dictators that desire the glitters and power of the world. In fact, people should be grateful that people that takes the reign of power, that knows fully that their ultimate authority is watching from high above, can not do corruption and mischief on Earth.

Iran has been subjected to Americas’ torture for the last 60 years. It started with the over throwing of Mossadeq government replaced by the Shah. The instigators were little Britain and big USA. Their secret service planned and executed the coup in collusion with the Iranian Army. Iran was prepared to be plundered with the puppet Shah in power. Milk and honey followed, but for not long: the Iranian nation inspired by their religious scholars, over powered the Shahs’ mighty secret Savak, and forced the mighty Shah to abdicate. In humiliation he died in a foreign land, far away from home, thanks to USA and their short lived design.  America and the Zionist architect had always wanted to subdue the Muslim Middle East, because the boys feared their past glory of power: they ruled half of the world from Andalusia to Africa to Asia. What if the giant of the Middle East rises again to realize their past glory, then where will their dollars be made?

They had subdued all, they all follow instruction of their masters from the west. Apart from few small one, this had fallen to their trap and had been conquered. Only Syria and Iran remains, but the biggest prize which rejected Henry Kissinger’s proposal to trade oil in dollars and buy a certain percentage of their security and bonds was Iran and Iraq. (In a nut shell to take care of their national debt) The later is no longer significant, but the former poses a real economic and military threat to their domination. Iran has no intention to dominate the world, but it had all intention to dominate in science and technology. Fearing an increasingly advancing Iran, they concocted multiples of excuses to cripple its expanding economy by sanction. Is this not a crime in the eyes of the so called defender of democracy and human rights?  At least, for now, Zionist plan are on hold. While America ponders on what to do, Zionist are busy hatching another plan, may be tomorrow, or day after tomorrow, or when ever, the masters of deception will come out with another plan, another lie, while the world watches helplessly, the Palestinian land are devoured bit by bit until their land remains no more.

They talk about democracy; they talk about intervention in other counties, while their people suffer for jobs and money. Working people are told there’s no money, yet there is endless money for war. The USA government always think of the big corporation and banks, their benefit is paramount and nothing for the people. Their benefit is less and less regardless of who sits in the presidency.




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