Not many people had any idea that Shabag Chottor Drama was
stage managed by a section of Awamileague, leftist alliance; electronic and
print media individual with the help of a third country, and assisted by public
prosecution and lawyers. The plan was hatched long before the verdict of Mr Kader
mullah was announced. It was planned that soon after the sentence had been
passed, a group of lawyers, leftist politician, intellectual, and selected
youths would reject the verdict and immediately initiate a protest in Shabag
Square to mimic Tahrir
Square like scenario. This would then be widely publicized by media, so as to create an atmosphere
of popular support to over turn the verdict and demonise Jamat Shibir and any other
party that oppose them. In this way, public perception surrounding the verdict
would be drowned. People would forget about the controversy surrounding the so
called kangaroo tribunal; and lies would then become an established truth. The
knowledge of this above scenario was known by many top level government
ministers, who, in private, clearly saw it to be wrong and did not support
these step but were in a catch 22 situation. If they had opposed Sheikh
Hasina’s policy, they would have lost their job in the government, and on other
hand, if they had supported the evil desires of the leftist and their allies,
they would not have been able to escape their guilt knowing that case filed
against Jamat Leaders were fabricated lies. Ministers and party activists that
adhere to some moral ground dared not oppose their leaders for fear of being
stripped off from party membership, or demoted to worthless position.
Many Awamileague supporters were unaware of their leader’s political
game, plots, and gross lies against
Jamat leaders, which if they had known; they would have been ashamed of them, and never would
have supported such a godless project which in reality damaged the party more
than any other single political issues.
I can name one individual, but it would be a breach of trust on my part
to name him, who is a Minister in the current Awamileague administration,
confided to a friend of mine about the war crime tribunal and the above pre-planned
The majority people of Bangladesh
had suspected the Shabag platform from its inception. They questioned its real
motive, and soon it became apparent to all, that not only the Monch had an
unfair demand for death penalty, but they had other motive to ban Islamic
politics from a country that had predominantly Muslim population. The people
were enraged by Shabagi Nastik, who on multiple occasions had made sacrilegious
statements. Soon afterwards, the fuel that had been firing the fervour in Shabag
run out and everyone behind the project were exposed to the masses. Public
anger turned against them and their evil design came to an end.
The organizers of Shabag to this day conspire to realize
their dream of a godless society, and the demonization of the Bangladeshi Islamic
party’s. Their present goal is to castigate, kill and hang Jamati Islami
leaders on the pretext of war crime. Though, it happened more than forty years
ago, with no real evidence of their crime, mostly fabricated, stage managed in
collusion with investigators, prosecution and judges; they intend to remove
their obstacles of political opposition, so that they would have a free reign
to plunder the wealth of the country. But destiny by design had always back
fired, as the people of Bangladesh
are aware of their plot, their vision of a Nastik Bangladesh will remain as a
dream for ever.
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