Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Gadanik imports Haider Faruq to malign Jamat.

Ok, so we hearing that Allama Madudi’s son Faruque Maududi is busy slandering his father’s party Jamati Islam. And he is probably teaming up with Gadanik to expose the real truth about Jamat. Well, there’s nothing new about him. I have read a pamphlet by Shariar Kabir long back one year ago when Gadanik Leader Shariar Kabir came to the UK to lobby Lord Avery of  House of Lords. Apparently he used this propaganda leaflets to convince Lord Avery that Maududis own son disown him to be worthy of any credit, That Jamati Islam ideological founder had got everything wrong about Islam and his party is basically a divisive terrorist and heretic Islamic party. By this time many Jamat supporters will probably be thinking, Ya Allah! Now what? We are damned! Our enemy’s are going to tear us in to pieces. Well not quiet, now let me ask you a question: what criterion is used to verify truth from falsehood?  Is it a statement of a son, or a wife, or truth itself verifies the truth?

If the criterion of good and bad is based on what comes out from the mouth of ones son, or wife, or uncle than we have a problem. In that case our religion would be in doubt. This man, Haider is only a son of Madudi, not a son of prophet. Even Son of Prophet NOAH, the Wife of LOOT, and Abu Lahab, the UNCLE of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) they all had been misguided, NOSHTO family members. Did that make their message null and void?  Absolutely not. Their misguided family members all had doubts, they all had their reasons to be twisted and they all disobeyed and opposed what came out of their kin and kindred’s mouth.

Now you probably want to know why Maududi’s own son has become his father’s sworn enemy number one. Here is the reason: During the life time of Allama Maududi, Haider Faruq and another son of Maududi developed bad practices and twisted believes. Maududi tried hard to reform them but they were too insolent to the point that Allama Maududi, by legal process of the court had to disown his two sons’ from all his fixed and floating assets. Basically, what we call ‘TEZZO PUTRO KORE DEWA’ Now, having received a lot of money from Gadanik, Haider Faruq couldn’t care what he says about his father, as he believes that he has nothing to loose other than make some money from chicken farmer GADANIK leader Shariar Kabir. So, in reality, it is a waste of money for Gadanik, and some profits for Haider for now, but the real reward for slandering his father, he may receive it in the hereafter.

Just a point to note hear is that chicken farmer Shariar Kabir at one time during the liberation war of Bangladesh, had been the supplier of chicken to the Pakistani occupation Army. Though now, he claims to be the leader of Gathok Dalal Nirmul Committee, a pressure group formed by some individual from different background to force the government to punish those who collaborated with the Pakistani Army. So he is trying his hard to malign Jamat in any way he can.

Maulana Maududi is not Islam. He did not invent Islam or received any god given message. He was one the greatest islamic thinkers of our time. He was a reviver. Whos main aim was Iqmate deen. He has written great books against scocialism, secularism , explained the islamic political, social justice and economic system of islam. His first book was Jihad fil islam. He was one of the few ulema who made it clear to the public that islam was Deen (Way of life) not just a madhab as most poeple belive islam is.  His works have inspired many to become muslim or return to the deen of allah. What Allama Maududi did, was to revive the concept of Islamic politics in Indian subcontinent, which always had been intrinsic to Islam since the birth of Islam. Islam is not only about going to mosque, praying five times a day, giving charity, performing Hajj, but it involves implementing Islam in our personal, social, civil, and state affairs. Prophet Muhammad implemented a government based on Islam from Madina. His disciples Omar (RD) ruled by Islam almost half the known world at that time.

Jamat supporters are not blind followers unlike others. They do not follow Maududi. They will only follow their leaders as long as their leaders don’t contradict or goes against Quran and Sunnah. In fact, Jamat supporters follow the spirit of Islam, the spirit of establishing Allah’s deen on the face of earth. Their striving and struggling is only for the sake of Allah and not for any leaders. Leaders may come and go, but the message of Islam will always remain.

So when they say ‘Politics in the name of Islam is not allowed’ what are they talking about? Rather their mind is confused. No, their mind is not confused, they precisely know what Islam is about, but they won’t accept it, because their Nafs (Soul) tells them to go after Dunia (World) and their Qareen, the Shaitan companion turns them away from the truth of Islam and they think they are guided, but in reality, they are far from the truth.

The import of Haider Maudi and the slandering of Jamat is part of government attempt to divide and rule. They want to entice people into disunity, especially seeing that Hefazote Islam has joined with the opposition, and they want to create some distance between Jamat and other Islamic party’s. But at the end, day by day, all their plots are untying and eventually this fascist government will fall, Insha Allah.





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